We connect young Londoners with training opportunities to help them build careers in tech. Dreaming of a future in digital? We'll make it happen. Wherever you come from, wherever you want to go.
Discover the right course for your future with our Digital Skills Map.

Choose a course.
Build a career.
Create your future.
Our Programmes
We deliver a varied programme of outreach with volunteers from the tech and digital ecosytem to engage with youth and provide donated laptops to young digital trainees without tech and internet access.
We partner with community organisations to give digital skills training workshops and mentoring.
In 2023, our young people achieved a 98% graduation rate, with the vast majority of those going on to careers in leading media, advertising, and digital agencies.

We are a non-profit voluntary organisation which is reliant on fundraising and sponsorship to deliver with impact.
We are looking for sponsors and partners for our pilot cyber and digital training 10 week course with a football academy to inspire young footballers 16-23 years to broaden their career choices and develop new skills.

Support Us
Tech and digital skills are the beating heart of today's workforce. Yet the gap between those with these skills and those without, is getting wider.
We make sure no one gets left behind. But to do that, we need your support. Our philanthropic community is building a more equitable digital economy by supporting our programmes.